
Pondering Progress Made in GU Cancers in Phoenix


We traveled to Phoenix, Arizona, for a State of the Science Summit™ on Genitourinary Cancers, which featured insights from the Mayo Clinic and Benner MD Anderson Cancer Center faculty.

We recently traveled to Phoenix, Arizona for a State of the Science Summit™ on Genitourinary Cancers. At the meeting, faculty from Mayo Clinic and Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center highlighted how novel agents have revolutionized the nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer paradigm and explained how the PROfound data could lead to the first PARP inhibitor approval in metastatic castration-resistant disease.

Moreover, faculty shed light on how researchers are refining the role of next-generation imaging in prostate cancer and spotlighted the novel approaches that have moved the needle forward in metastatic urothelial cancer. Additionally, faculty explained how the frontline setting in metastatic renal cell carcinoma continues to evolve with combination regimens, and discussed the patient selection required for cytoreductive nephrectomy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma.

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