

Pivekimab Sunirine: A Novel CD123 ADC Showing Promise for BPDCN

Sangeetha Venugopal, MD, MS, discusses pivekimab sunirine (PVEK), a novel CD123-targeting antibody-drug conjugate for blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN). PVEK showed promising response rates in treatment-naïve BPDCN patients in an early trial and was reasonably well-tolerated without concerning safety signals. Its FDA breakthrough therapy designation in relapsed/refractory BPDCN was based on phase 1 data suggesting good efficacy even after tagraxofusp (TAG). Early trials also support PVEK's potential in CD123+ acute myeloid leukemia, both as monotherapy and when combined with other agents like azacitidine and venetoclax.

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Zofia Piotrowska, MD, MHS, and Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, experts on lung cancer
Zofia Piotrowska, MD, MHS, and Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, experts on lung cancer
Zofia Piotrowska, MD, MHS, and Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, experts on lung cancer
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