Dr. Saif on Recommendations for Germline Testing in Pancreatic Cancer


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Wasif M. Saif, MD, MBBS, discusses recommendations for germline testing in patients with pancreatic cancer.

Wasif M. Saif, MD, MBBS, deputy physician in chief, director of medical oncology, Northwell Health Cancer Institute, professor of medical oncology, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine, Hofstra/Northwell, discusses recommendations for germline testing in patients with pancreatic cancer.

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network recommends that all patients with pancreatic cancer be tested for germline mutations, according to Saif. Moreover, it has been advised that targeted agents can benefit patients with somatic mutations, as well, Saif says.

Germline testing should look for microsatellite instability, as well as BRCA1BRCA2ATM, and PALB2 mutations, Saif adds. It is necessary to understand the disease and stage, as well as the molecular makeup of each tumor, Saif says. Testing should occur in initial work-up, and results should be used to guide treatments decisions in this population, Saif concludes. 

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