

State of Science Summit - Lung Cancer: Chaired by Shetal Patel, MD, PhD

State of Science Summit - Lung Cancer: Chaired by Shetal Patel, MD, PhD

State of Science Summit - Lung Cancer: Chaired by Shetal Patel, MD, PhD


  • Shetal Patel, MD, PhD | UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Jared Weiss, MD | UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Gita Mody, MD, MPH | UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Neal Reddy, MD | Duke University Hospital
  • Michael Kelley, MD | Duke University and Durham VA Medical Centers
  • Jason Long, MD, MPH | UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center


  • The Latest in Treating SCLC
  • Treatment Crossroad: Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Immunotherapy in mNSCLC
  • Navigating Immunotherapies in Advanced or mNSCLC
  • Adjuvant to Metastatic: Exploring Targeted Agents for mNSCLC
  • Managing VA Patients with Lung Cancer
  • Updates in Lung Cancer Screening

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