
Bridgett Harr on Managing Long-term Side Effects in Head and Neck Cancer

Bridgett Harr, CNP, radiation oncology, Cleveland Clinic, discusses survivorship and managing long-term side effects in head and neck cancer.

Bridgett Harr, CNP, radiation oncology, Cleveland Clinic, discusses survivorship and managing long-term side effects in head and neck cancer.

For head and neck cancer patients, survivorship efforts are geared toward promoting healthy behaviors, such as stopping smoking, says Harr. Long-term side effects such as mouth dryness, a loss of taste or appetite, speech issues, fatigue, and fibrosis of the mouth or neck are also addressed as part of survivorship efforts.

Treatment options for fibrosis of the mouth or neck include physical therapy. Massage is also recommended. Acupuncture is also a treatment option that helps with a variety of head and neck cancer treatment side effects including loss of taste, dryness of the month, pain, and fatigue, said Harr.

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