
Dr. Richard M. Stone on the Genetic Landscape in AML

​Richard M. Stone, MD, chief of staff, program director, adult leukemia, institute physician, professor of medicine, Harvard Medical School, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, discusses what is currently understood regarding the genetic landscape in acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

Richard M. Stone, MD, chief of staff, program director, adult leukemia, institute physician, professor of medicine, Harvard Medical School, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, discusses what is currently understood regarding the genetic landscape in acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

The number of mutations in any given patient’s blasts are probably lower in total in AML than they are in solid tumor patients, says Stone. The types of mutations can be subdivided into different categories, which may lead it self to the development of specific therapeutics.

Assessing mutations at the time of diagnosis also offers additional prognostic information, which is some cases can be used to decide on therapy.

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