
Dr. Hamid Discusses Melanoma Treatment


Omid Hamid, MD, chief, translational research and immunotherapy, director, cutaneous oncology and melanoma, The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute, discusses the treatment of melanoma.

Omid Hamid, MD, chief, translational research and immunotherapy, director, cutaneous oncology and melanoma, The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute, discusses the treatment of melanoma.

Hamid urges community physicians to seek a second opinion when they are unsure about a certain tumor type. After obtaining a second opinion, the patient can then go back to the community oncologist with a therapeutic plan and some expertise behind the decision. In the community, Hamid urges physicians to read up on immunotherapy and its benefits.

However, a physician should not follow a recommendation without considering his or her clinical experience, Hamid says. The physician should also factor in the patient’s desires and have a discussion about toxicities.

Hopefully, the first-line therapy will lead to long-term benefit, Hamid says. If not, either targeted or immunotherapy treatment is available.

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