Semuloparin Is Effective and Safe for Antithrombotic Prophylaxis in Cancer Patients
Semuloparin significantly decreases the risk of thromboembolic events in cancer patients initiating chemotherapy compared with placebo, and without a hike in major bleeding.
University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center: Leading the Way in Targeted Therapies Cancer Care
The U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center in Ann Arbor offers diagnostic, treatment, and support services while serving as a model for other branches of the U-M Health System and for academic peer organizations nationwide.
Unraveling the Complexity of Drug Shortages: Grim Reality Is a Bitter Pill to Swallow
An interview with ASCO President Michael P. Link, MD, discussing the impact of oncology drug shortages.
Docetaxel in Combination With Novel Therapies in Prostate Cancer: Promising Phase III Trials Ongoing
To date, no studies of novel therapies combined with docetaxel and prednisone have demonstrated improvement in their designated endpoints. However, several promising combination trials are ongoing.
Targeted Focal Therapy Emerges as Alternative to Active Surveillance or Definitive Treatment
Focal therapy offers some men with localized prostate cancer a solution between active surveillance and definitive treatment with surgery and/or radiation.
Surgery for Colorectal Cancer Hepatic Metastases Has Little Effect on Health
Liver surgery for colorectal cancer hepatic metastases has, for the most part, a minimal and brief negative impact on patient-reported outcomes.
Prostate Cancer Screening: A Q&A With Oliver Sartor, MD, and Leonard G. Gomella, MD
Oliver Sartor, MD, and Leonard G. Gomella, MD, discuss multiple topics involved with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening, including PSA velocity, guidelines, and cutoff age.
Younger Age, Recent Surgery, and Lymphedema Influence Decision for Repeat Mammogram in Breast Cancer Survivors
Breast cancer survivors who are younger, closer to the time of surgery, or have upper-extremity lymphedema may be less likely to undergo repeat mammography.
NCCN 17th Annual Conference: Clinical Practice Guidelines & Quality Cancer Care
At this year's annual NCCN conference, the organization presented updates in 13 areas, including specific disease states and general screening methods.
Politics and Science Intersect in PSA Screening
Leonard G. Gomella, MD, discusses the public policy and medical implications of the US Preventive Services Task Force's draft recommendation on PSA screening.
Melanoma Mortality Is Related to Dermatologist Density
Within a given county in the United States, the presence of a dermatologist is associated with a lower melanoma mortality rate compared with counties where there is no dermatologist.
Colonoscopy Recommendation May Cut Adherence to CRC Screening
Patients are less likely to complete colorectal cancer screening if their physician recommended colonoscopy rather than recommending fecal occult blood testing.
Premature Aromatase Inhibitor Discontinuation Is Common
Roughly one-third of women with early-stage breast cancer develop intolerable adverse effects during aromatase inhibitor therapy.
Bending the Cost Curve and Here Come the Judge(s)
Lately, business and government have done more to "move the needle" in changing healthcare delivery than physicians, scientists, and other clinical professionals.
Oncology Experts Preview Top Abstracts From 2025 ASCO GU
Dr Somaiah on Ongoing Research With Novel Agents in Sarcomas
Dr Hamid on the Potential for Cancer Vaccines in Melanoma
Dr Orloff on Treatment Strategies for Rapidly Progressing Uveal Melanoma