
Future Directions With PSMA Ligand–Directed Therapies

Highlights of potential future applications of PSMA ligand–directed therapies in prostate cancer.

Neal Shore, MD: PSMA [prostate-specific membrane antigen] ligand–directed therapeutics will have an undoubtedly substantial impact on the field. I’m highly confident that based upon the VISION trial, postchemotherapy patients with mCRPC [metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer] should receive approval in the United States. The therapeutic application is already available in other countries such as Australia and Germany. With the additional level 1 evidence that has been demonstrated in VISION, we’ll see further trials with a more proximal accrual within the prostate cancer journey, which would include prechemotherapy mCRPC, and assuredly in the mCSPC arena. This will most likely look at not only the addition of PSMA ligand–directed therapy and ADT [androgen deprivation therapy] but also other combinations. Whether it’s with a PARP inhibitor or an androgen receptor pathway inhibitor or other immunotherapeutics. Ultimately, this will continue to add to our goal, which is survival prolongation, maintaining quality of life for our patients, and ultimately preventing patients from dying of advanced prostate cancer.


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