Internationally known experts will discuss the latest research in breast and lung cancers at 2 conferences that the Physicians' Education Resource (PER) is hosting in California in August.
Internationally known experts will discuss the latest research in breast and lung cancers at 2 conferences that the Physicians’ Education Resource (PER) is hosting in California in August.
Joyce O’Shaughnessy, MD, co-director of Breast Cancer Research at the Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center at Texas Oncology in Dallas, will chair the 10th International Congress on the Future of Breast Cancer from August 4-7 in Coronado. The conference will focus on the clinical implications of breast cancer genetic and phenotypic subtyping, as well as novel agents and strategies.
David Gandara, MD, director of the Thoracic Oncology Program and associate director of Clinical Research at the University of California Davis Cancer Center in Sacramento, and Roy Herbst, MD, PhD, chief of Medical Oncology at the Yale Comprehensive Cancer Center, Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven Yale School of Medicine in Connecticut, will chair the 12th International Lung Cancer Congress from August 11-14 in Carlsbad. An update on research from major Cooperative Groups from the United States, Europe, and Asia will be among the highlights.