

Sequencing Second-Line Treatments for LR-MDS

Medical experts discuss sequencing strategies for second-line and later treatments in lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes, examining how recent data, including insights from the MEDALIST trial, influence treatment selection and sequencing decisions.

  1. Let’s explore sequencing strategies for lower-risk MDS in the 2L setting and beyond. Discuss how new data and other considerations impact treatment selection and sequencing.
  2. Dr Komrokji: How do you approach treating patients with luspatercept from based on data from the MEDALIST trial? (Santini V, et al. ASH 2023. Abstract 915)
    1. What is the impact of fatigue events on overall treatment outcomes in patients treated with luspatercept for LR-MDS?
  3. Dr. Thomas Cluzeau: Based on the results from the MEDALIST trial, how would you approach dose escalation for 2L treatment of luspatercept in patients with LR-MDS? (Platzbecker U et al. Blood 2022)
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